python [-h] {FIM,SR,BBS,BMC,BMC_FW,AFU,PR,GBS} ...

python <CMD>  [-h] -t {UPDATE,CANCEL,RK_256,RK_384} -H HSM_MANAGER                           [-C HSM_CONFIG] [-r ROOT_KEY] [-k CODE_SIGNING_KEY]                           [-d CSK_ID] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-y] [-v]


The PACSign utility inserts authentication markers into bitstreams targeted for the following programmable acceleration cards (PACs): * Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA * Intel FPGA PAC D5005 * Intel PAC N3000 PACSign uses a root key and an optional code signing key to digitally sign the
bitstreams to validate their origin. The PACs will not program bitstreams without proper authentication.

The current PACs only support elliptical curve keys with the curve type secp256r1 or prime256v1. The PACSign command supports hardware security modules (HSMs) for both OpenSSL and PKCS #11.


The first required argument to PACSign is the bitstream type identifier.


Supported image types. FIM and BBS are aliases for the static region (SR). BMC_FW is an alias for the board management controller (BMC). AFU and GBS are aliases for the partial reconfiguration (PR) region.


Static FPGA image


BMC image, including firmware for some PACs


Reconfigurable FPGA image


All bitstream types must specify the following information: * An operation that the PACSign command performs * The name and optional parameter file for a key signing module

-t, --cert_type <type>

The following operations are available:

`UPDATE` - add authentication data to the bitstream.
`CANCEL` - create a code signing key cancellation bitstream.
`RK_256` - create a bitstream to program a 256-bit root entry hash into the device.
`RK_384` - create a bitstream to program a 384-bit root entry hash into the device. Currently
           available PACs do not support a 384-bit root entry hash.

-H, --HSM_manager <module>

The module name for a module that interfaces to a HSM. PACSign includes both the openssl_manager and the pkcs11_manager to handle keys and signing operations.

-C, --HSM_config <cfg> (optional)

The argument to this option is passed verbatim to the specified HSM. For pkcs11_manager, this option specifies a JSON file describing the PKCS #11 capable HSM’s parameters.


-r, --root_key <keyID>

The key identifier that the HSM uses to identify the root key to be used for the selected operation.

-k, --code_signing_key <keyID>

The key identifier that the HSM uses to identify the code signing key to be used for the selected operation.

-d, --csk_id <csk_num>

Only used for type CANCEL. Specifies the key number of the code signing key to cancel.

-i, --input_file <file>

Only used for UPDATE operations. Specifies the file name containing the data to be signed.

-o, --output_file <file>

Specifies the file name for the signed output bitstream.

-y, --yes

Silently answer all queries from PACSign in the affirmative.

-v, --verbose

Can be specified multiple times. Increases the verbosity of PACSign. Once enables non-fatal warnings to be displayed. Twice enables progress information. Three or more occurrences enables very verbose debugging information.


Different certification types require different sets of options. The table below describes the options required based on certification type:


  root_key code_signing_key csk_id input_file output_file
SR Optional [1] Optional [2] No Yes Yes
BMC Optional [3] Optional [4] No Yes Yes
PR Optional [5] Optional [6] No Yes Yes


  root_key code_signing_key csk_id input_file output_file
SR Yes No Yes No Yes
BMC Yes No Yes No Yes
PR Yes No Yes No Yes

RK_256 / RK_384[^1]

  root_key code_signing_key csk_id input_file output_file
SR Yes No No No Yes
BMC Yes No No No Yes
PR Yes No No No Yes


The following command generates a root hash programming PR bitstream. The generated file can be an input to the fpgasupdate command to program the root hash for PR operations into the device flash. You can only program the root hash one time.

python PR -t RK_256 -o pr_rhp.bin -H openssl_manager -r key_pr_root_public_256.pem

The following command adds authentication blocks to hello_afu.gbs signed by both provided keys and writes the result to s_hello_afu.gbs. For signed bitstreams, the newly-generated block replaces the old signature block.

python PR -t update -H openssl_manager -i hello_afu.gbs -o s_hello_afu.gbs -r key_pr_root_public_256.pem -k key_pr_csk0_public_256.pem

The following command generates a code signing key cancellation bitstream to cancel code signing key number 4 for all BMC operations. After this command runs the PAC rejects BMC images that CSK 4 signed.

python BMC -t cancel -H openssl_manager -o csk4_cancel.gbs -r key_bmc_root_public_256.pem -d 4

Revision History

Document Version Intel Acceleration Stack Version Changes
2019.07.08 1.2.1 Beta. (Supported with Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 19.2.) Initial revision.
2019.10.04 2.0.1 Beta. (Supported with Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 19.2.) Editorial changes only.
[1]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.
[2]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.
[3]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.
[4]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.
[5]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.
[6]For UPDATE type, you must specify both keys to produce an authenticated bitstream. Omitting one key generates a valid, but unauthenticated bitstream. You can only load the unauthenticated bitstream on a PAC with no root entry hash programmed for that bitstream type.