

Usage: host_exerciser [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -p,--pci-address TEXT       [<domain>:]<bus>:<device>.<function>
  -l,--log-level TEXT:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off}=info
                              stdout logging level
  -s,--shared                 open in shared mode, default is off
  -t,--timeout UINT=60000     test timeout (msec)
  -m,--mode UINT:value in {lpbk->0,read->1,trput->3,write->2} OR {0,1,3,2}=lpbk
                              host exerciser mode {lpbk,read, write, trput}
  --cls UINT:value in {cl_1->0,cl_2->1,cl_4->2} OR {0,1,2}=cl_1
                              number of CLs per request{cl_1, cl_2, cl_4}
  --continuousmode UINT=false test rollover or test termination
  -d,--delay UINT=false       Enables random delay insertion between requests
  --interleave UINT=0         Interleave requests pattern to use in throughput mode {0, 1, 2}
                              indicating one of the following series of read/write requests:
                              0: rd-wr-rd-wr
                              1: rd-rd-wr-wr
                              2: rd-rd-rd-rd-wr-wr-wr-wr
  --interrupt UINT:INT in [0 - 3]
                              The Interrupt Vector Number for the device
  --perf UINT=false           Enable perf counters
                              Set the capabilities for binary(for non-root user)
                              set capabilities: "sudo setcap 38,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_syslog+eip /usr/bin/host_exerciser"
                              remove capabilities: "sudo setcap -r /usr/bin/host_exerciser"

  lpbk                        run simple loopback test
  mem                         run simple mem test


The host exerciser used to exercise and characterize the various host-FPGA interactions eg. MMIO, Data transfer from host to FPGA , PR, host to FPGA memory etc.

Host Exerciser Loopback (HE-LBK)

Host Exerciser Loopback (HE-LBK) AFU can move data between host memory and FPGA.

HE-LBK supports:

  1. Latency (AFU to Host memory read)

  2. MMIO latency (Write+Read)

  3. MMIO BW (64B MMIO writes)

  4. BW (Read/Write, Read only, Wr only)

Host Exerciser Loopback Memory (HE-Mem)

The host exerciser used to exercise use of FPGA connected DDR, data read from the host is written to DDR, and the same data is read from DDR before sending it back to the host



run host exerciser loopback test


run host exerciser memory test


--help, -h

Prints help information and exit.


The following arguments are common to all commands and are optional.


PCIe domain, bus, device, function number of fpga resource.


set host exerciser tool log level, trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off


open FPGA PCIe resource in shared mode


host exerciser tool time out, by default time out 60000


host exerciser test modes are lpbk, read, write, trput


Number of cachelines per request 1, 2, 4.


Configures test rollover or test termination mode.


Enables random delay insertion between requests.


Enables interleave requests in throughput mode. Value:3’b000-Rd,Wr,Rd,Wr Value:3’b001-Rd,Rd,Wr,Wr Value:3’b010-Rd,Rd,Rd,Rd,Wr,Wr,Wr,Wr Value:3’b011-Not supported


Accelerator interrupt vector Number.


Enable performance counters.


This command exerciser Loopback afu:

./host_exerciser lpbk

This command exerciser memory afu:

./host_exerciser mem

This command exerciser Loopback afu on pcie 000:3b:00.0:

./host_exerciser --pci-address 000:3b:00.0    lpbk

This command exerciser Loopback afu on pcie 000:3b:00.0 and run in write mode:
./host_exerciser --pci-address 000:3b:00.0   --mode write lpbl

## Revision History ##

 | Document Version |  Intel Acceleration Stack Version  | Changes  |
 | ---------------- |------------------------------------|----------|
 | 2018.05.21 | 1.1 Beta. <br>(Supported with Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 17.1.) | Updated description of the `fme` command |