Building the OPAE C Library


  1. Fetch the Intel FPGA API repository
  2. Configure the Intel FPGA API CMake project
  3. Build the Intel FPGA API project

Fetch the Intel FPGA API repository

git clone ssh://«Place your username here»
cd cpt_sys_sw-fpga-sw
git config "«Place your name here»"
git config "«Place your email here»"
curl -k -o .git/hooks/commit-msg
git checkout feature/cmake
git pull

Configure the Intel FPGA API CMake project

cd cpt_sys_sw-fpga-sw
mkdir mybuild
cd mybuild
cmake .. «user configuration flags»

Valid «user configuration flags» are:

cmake flag                     Optional or mandatory   Purpose                            Valid values                                 Default value
----------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------
-DINTEL\_FPGA\_API\_VER\_MAJOR    Optional                Driver major version                 Integer                                        0
-DINTEL\_FPGA\_API\_VER\_MINOR    Optional                Driver minor version                 Integer                                        1
-DINTEL\_FPGA\_API\_VER\_REV      Optional                Driver revision version              Integer                                        0
-DCMAKE\_BUILD\_TYPE            Optional                Set compiler and linker flags        Debug | Release | Coverage | RelWithDebInfo   RelWithDebInfo
-DBUILD\_TESTS                 Optional                Enable | disable building gtests     ON | OFF                                      OFF
-DBUILD\_ASE                   Optional                Enable | disable building ASE        ON | OFF                                      OFF
-DPACK\_ASE                    Optional                Include or not ASE in final package  ON | OFF                                      OFF

Build the Intel FPGA API project

cd cpt_sys_sw-fpga-sw
cd mybuild # (created during previous step)
make «user target»

Valid «user targets» are:

make target                Purpose
-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
make                       Compiles the Intel FPGA API libraries, sample applications, utilities
make dist                  Creates distributable tarball package intel-fpga\_0.1.0.tar.gz
make package               Create Redhat installer package: intel-fpga\_0.1.0\_1.x86\_64.rpm
make docs                  Generate doxygen documentation
make install               Install headers, libraries, sample applications and utilities under installation directory (typically /usr/local)
For information on how to build and link applications using the Intel FPGA API, please refer to the Intel FPGA Library Programming Guide.