# packager # ## SYNOPSIS ## `packager [arguments]` ## Description ## The packager provides tools that Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) developers use to create Accelerator Function (AF) files. The AF file is the programming file for an AFU on Intel® FPGA platforms. The packager tool concatenates the metadata from the JSON file to a raw binary file `(.rbf)` that the Intel Quartus® Prime software generates. The packager's only function is to create an AF file. Refer to [Packager Command Syntax](#packager-command-syntax) for more information about invoking the packager. The packager depends on a JSON file to describe AFU metadata. Refer to [Accelerator Description File](#accelerator-description-file) for more information about the JSON file. **The packager requires Python 2.7.1 and Python 2.7.3. The tool indicates if it is being called with a compatible of Python.** ## Packager Command Syntax ## The packager is a command line tool with the following syntax: `$ packager [arguments]` The following table describes the `` arguments: | Command | Arguments | Description | |---------| ----------------| ------------| | ```create-gbs``` | ```--rbf=```
```--set-value=.```| Creates the AF file. The engineering name for this file is the green bit stream, abbreviated gbs. The `--rbf` and `--afu` arguments are required. `` is the path to the RBF file for the AFU. The Quartus® Prime software generates this RBF by compiling the AFU design. `` is the path to the Accelerator Description file. This is a JSON file that describes the metadata that `create-gbs` appends to the RBF. `` is the path to the RBF file for the FPGA Interface Manager (FIM) that contains the FPGA interface unit and other interfaces. If you do not specify the `--gbs`, the command defaults to `.gbs`. You can use the optional `--set-value=.` argument to set values for JSON metadata. To set more than one JSON value, list a series of `.` pairs.| |```modify-gbs``` | ```--gbs=```| Modifies the AF file. The `--input-gbs`argument is required. If you do not provide the `--output-gbs` argument, `modify-gbs` overwrites the `--input-gbs` file. Use the `--set-value=.` argument to set values for JSON metadata. To set more than one JSON value, list a series of `.` pairs.| |```gbs-info``` | ```--input-gbs=```| Prints information about the AF file. The `--input-gbs` argument is required.| |```get-rbf``` | ```--gbs=```
```--rbf=```| Creates the the RBF by extracting it from the AF file. The `--gbs`argument is required. If you do not specify the `--rbf` agrument, the command defaults to `` | `--help` | Summarizes the `` options. Typing `packager --help` gives a list of `` values. Typing `packager --help` provides detailed help for `` | ## Examples ## To generate an AF file, run: `$ packager create-gbs --rbf= --afu= --gbs=` **TIP**: JSON files are very particular about syntax such as trailing commas. If you are getting errors, use `jsonlint.com` to validate that your JSON is formatted correctly. To modify metadata in an existing AF, run the following command: `$ packager modify-gbs --input-gbs= --outputgbs= --set-value :` You can pass in a number of : pairs with --set-value to update values in an AF. To print the metadata of an existing AF: `$ packager get-info --gbs=` To extract the RBF from the AF: `$ packager get-rbf --gbs= --rbf=` ## Accelerator Description File ## The Accelerator Description File is a JSON file that describes the metadata associated with an AFU. The Open Progammable Accelerator Engine (OPAE) uses this metadata during reconfiguration. Here is an example file: ``` { "version": 1, "platform-name": "DCP", "afu-image": { "magic-no": 488605312, "interface-uuid": "01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF", "power": 0, "accelerator-clusters": [{ "name": "dma_test_afu", "total-contexts": 1, "accelerator-type-uuid": "331DB30C-9885-41EA-9081-F88B8F655CAA" } ] } } ``` The packager stores these parameter values in the resultant AF. After reprogramming the AFU using partial reconfiguration (PR), the software driver reconfigures the PLLs by writing the clock-frequency-high and clock-frequency-low values (if present) over the PCIe® and CCI interfaces. .. note:: ``` The JSON file format may change as the architecture evolves. Any changes to the current format trigger an update to the version number. ``` CATEGORY | NAME | TYPE | DESCRIPTION | MANDATORY ---------|------|------|-------------|:----------:| Per-AFU | version | Integer | Version of the metadata format. | Yes Per-AFU | magic-no (to be deprecated)| Integer | Magic no. Associated with the FPGA Interface Manager. | No Per-AFU | platform-name | String | Name of the platform for which the metadata is intended. The field value is “DCP” for Intel Acceleration Stack for FPGAs. | No Per-AFU | interface-uuid | UUID | Interface id associated with the FPGA Interface Manager. | Yes Per-AFU | power | Integer | Accelerator Function power consumption, in watts. Set to 0 for Intel Acceleration Stack for FPGAs platforms. | Yes Per-AFU | clock-frequency-low | Float | Clock frequency for 1st PLL (Clock network)1 in MHz. | No Per-AFU | clock-frequency-high | Float | Clock frequency for 2nd PLL (0 if absent) in MHz. | No Per-AFC Cluster | total-contexts | Integer | Number of AFCs in this cluster. Always be 1 in current architectures. | Yes Per-AFC Cluster | afc-type-uuid | UUID | AFC type = AFU ID in current architectures. | Yes Per-AFC Cluster | name | string | AFC name = AFU name in current architectures. | Yes