# fpgamux # ## SYNOPSIS ## ```console fpgamux [-h] [-S|--socket-id SOCKET_ID] [-B|--bus-number BUS] [-D|--device DEVICE] [-F|--function FUNCTION] [-G|--guid GUID] -m|--muxfile ``` ## DESCRIPTION ## fpgamux tests multiple AFUs that are synthesized into a single AFU along with the CCIP-MUX BBB (basic building block). The CCIP-MUX uses the upper bits in the MMIO addresses to route MMIO reads and writes to the AFU running on the corresponding CCIP-MUX port. fpgamux uses a configuration file that lists the software components and correct configuration. fpgamux only runs on the Integrated FPGA Platform. You cannot run it on the PCIe accelerator card (PAC). .. note:: ``` The OPAE driver discovers only the first AFU. The first software component in the configuration determines the GUID to use for enumeration. Use the -G|--guid option to override the GUID for the first software component. ``` ## OPTIONS ## `-S SOCKET_ID, --socket-id SOCKET_ID` socket id of FPGA resource. `-B BUS, --bus BUS` bus id of FPGA resource. `-D DEVICE, --device DEVICE` device id of FPGA resource. `-F FUNCTION, --function FUNCTION` function id of FPGA resource. `-G, --guid` specifies the GUID to use for the AFC enumeration. `-m, --muxfile ` The path to the fpgamux configuration file. This file must be in JSON format following the schema described below. ## CONFIGURATION ## fpgamux uses a configuration file (in JSON format) to determine what software components to instantiate and how to configure them to work with the AFUs. The schema includes the following elements: ``` [ { "app" : "fpga_app", "name" : "String", "config" : "Object" } ] ``` ## EXAMPLES ## The following example shows a configuration with two components: ``` [ { "app" : "nlb0", "name" : "nlb0", "config" : { "begin" : 1, "end" : 1, "multi-cl" : 1, "cont" : false, "cache-policy" : "wrline-M", "cache-hint" : "rdline-I", "read-vc" : "vh0", "write-vc" : "vh1", "wrfence-vc" : "write-vc", "timeout-usec" : 0, "timeout-msec" : 0, "timeout-sec" : 1, "timeout-min" : 0, "timeout-hour" : 0, "freq" : 400000000 } }, { "app" : "nlb3", "name" : "nlb3", "config" : { "mode" : "read", "begin" : 1, "end" : 1, "multi-cl" : 1, "strided-access" : 1, "cont" : false, "warm-fpga-cache" : false, "cool-fpga-cache" : false, "cool-cpu-cache" : false, "cache-policy" : "wrline-M", "cache-hint" : "rdline-I", "read-vc" : "vh0", "write-vc" : "vh1", "wrfence-vc" : "write-vc", "alt-wr-pattern" : false, "timeout-usec" : 0, "timeout-msec" : 0, "timeout-sec" : 1, "timeout-min" : 0, "timeout-hour" : 0, "freq" : 400000000 } } ] ```